Wednesday, January 27, 2010


For those who are following this blog I am giving a quick spill for my "Polar Bear Plunge". This Saturday I will be willing jumping into the Columbia River. This is a fundraiser to raise money for Special Olympics. So far I have raised $1,800.00. To learn more about this and to donate go to

Now for a joke that I promised some of you.

What do you call a bear with no teeth???????????????

Give Up???????????????????

A "Gummy Bear"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, that was sooooo funny!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Dan has regained a lot of his energy. Not wanting to sleep all day. He continues to go walking with me and keeps up with me just fine. Now I will have to work him hard and get some things done around the place. Then he will be ready to crash again on the next five days.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Five Days of Chemo

Today is Tuesday. Last day of Five days of major dosage of chemo pill. Very exhausting for Dan. Every day more tired. I made him go for a walk with me today and for the first time ever I was able to outwalk him. It did him good to get out of the house. Even if it wasn't very far. His appetiate is down. Hopefully his energy will return during the twentytwo days off the chemo pill. We'll see.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Onward thru the fog?

Wednesday was the final day of radiation treatment. Today start higher dose of chemo (pill form). Do this for five days, then off for twentytwo days. Repeat. Back up to Seattle first part of March for a MRI & visit with Dr. Taylor. Hopefully that will show the tumor has decreased in size. In the meantime Dan is doing great. Almost off the steriods, so he is sleeping much better. His mind is a lot clearer now and the thought process works as well as it did before. His attitude is very good. Sorta, ok what do we need to do to take care of this problem and continue on with life? I think I will somewhat miss going to the cancer center on Mondays. I would work on puzzles there while I waited for him.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

three days left

Wednesday, January 13 is Dan's last day of radiation treatment. The week has gone well. He has been sleeping better even gained some weight during the week. Not a whole lot to report right now. When people ask me "How is Dan doing?" I tell them really good. Already starting to plan our summer.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Six Days Left

Six days of radiation left. Dan is doing really good. Lot's of energy. Eating a lot of food. He even put on some weight. Making plans for fun things to do now that he is retired. He is sleeping a little bit longer. Which is good. Once he is off the steriods, sleep should be easier. The doctor is reducing his steriod intake by half a pill a week. Not good to go off them suddenly. Bad things happen. The local newspaper did a article on him last week. {I am not letting all this attention go to his head.} Life has really changed for us both. We are adapting. Yesterday I decided it would be great to go spend some time on the San Juan Islands when school gets out in June. So that is the plan. I love it, no more planning around Dan's work schedule. Hmm, what else should we do???